His “diaries of an immigrant son� begin during the Great Depression. The O’Flynns, Irish Catholic immigrants, keep body and soul together at St. Nicholas Church and School in the Bronx. A few steps away is a redbrick apartment building, home of the O’Flynns and other immigrant families. Séamus’ New York adventures begin every time he drops a nickel in the subway turnstile and heads to the Empire State Building, Yankee Stadium, Macy’s, the Metropolitan Museum, Times Square, Ebbets Field. It is the era of President Roosevelt, Mayor LaGuardia, Joe DiMaggio, Varga Girls, Charles Atlas. Séamus becomes an altar boy, Safeway thief, dumbwaiter Romeo, joins the Mortal Sinners Club. A nun whacks hands; a priest has roaming hands.

Just as The Great Depression subsides, World War II begins - Pearl Harbor, Japs, Nazis, rationing, SPAM, Thunderbolts, Zeroes, Stukas, the sadness of a Gold Star in the window. The O’Flynn family lives through one of the most chaotic times in American history, strengthened by faith, hard work and sunny Irish hearts. 

              AN IMMIGRANT SON
                       1931 -1945

       "If you liked ANGELA'S ASHES, 
you will like the novel SEAMUS O'FLYNN"...  



Seamus O'Flynn tells the compelling story of an immigrant Irish family in New York City, an experience both exhilarating and frightening for son, Seamus, who artfully wends his way through the dangers and the delights of the Big Apple and his Irish Catholic neighborhood,1931-1945.

His fears--school bullies, violent neighbors, an all-too-friendly Catholic priest--stand in dark contrast to his joys--river swims; his personal use of the dumb-waiter in his building for quick access to upper floors; his no-fare excursions on the subway; and his close encounters with celebrities, including President Franklin Roosevelt.

All in all, this heart-warming, coming of age tale stands in the best tradition of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I hope for a sequel!

4 STARS ON AMAZON: “If you liked ANGELA’S ASHES you will like the novel SEAMUS O’FLYNN. It’s the coming of age story of an Irish Catholic New York City boy during the Great Depression and WW2. It’s a boy’s version of A TREE GROWS IN BROOKLYN. Bill Tobin eloquently describes all of Seamus’ haunts; the Empire State Building, his apartment building in the Bronx, swimming in the Harlem River.� Barbara Szyszkewicz, New Jersey

5 STARS ON AMAZON: “I didn’t like ANGELA’S ASHES (too depressing), but I did like SEAMUS O’FLYNN, a more entertaining book! Seamus is part of a large Catholic family, lives in an apartment buldling (where everyone knows everyone else’s business). Definitely a book with mature themes; abuse by a priest, wife abuse, murder. All are in this novel. I enjoyed it very much. An interesting, engaging, sad, humorous and poignant read.� Ellen Gable, Novelist, “Stealing Jenny.�

5 STARS ON AMAZON: “I have been waiting for this book for years. The McCourt brothers, also of immigrant New York were masters of Irish story telling. Now we have one addition to this 

“Séamus O’Flynn - a beautiful, charming and vivid picture of a time and place that is all but lost, and I love seeing it through the eyes of a boy. I full out laughed at some of his antics with Danny and Tom, and got all choked up when Steve died.� Brigit Chicone, Novelist, Standish, Michigan

“An immigrant story, with no government hand-outs. Hard work, two jobs, keeps the O’Flynn family together in turbulent times.� Dick Stables, Tucson.

“I can't believe the murders, suicides in the author’s apartment building in the Bronx.� Jennifer Nawrot, Twisp, WA

“I laughed out loud, I cried. I will read the entire book again.� ANN DARCY Nanuet, New York

“It is an incredible success story.� Jerry Graves, Rockville, MD

“I thrilled watching Séamus O’Flynn grow up, seasoned by the times, difficult times they were. He had nothing, but his mother was able to make a penny shine like a dollar. He never lost his sense of humor. It is hilarious to read about the purchase of Séamus’ suit for the year. What a father he had. Imagine him: the strength, health and stamina to always work two jobs. I can see his mother scrubbing the dirt off Séamus’ father in the family tub, getting him clean for his second job. All with such love and great humor.� A.J. Mulllally, Novelist, Seattle

"SEAMUS O'FLYNN brought back some fond memories (and not so fond) of my Irish culture. A wonderful read." Eileen Christopher, Commack, New York

“I couldn’t help but feel disappointed when the story ended… Séamus was captivating, funny and relevant.� Elisa Olson, Bothell WA

“I laughed many times about ‘the dumbwaiter Romeo’ among other antics! I just could not put it down. I so enjoyed every episode of Séamus’ adventures. I was struck how different Séamus’ circumstances in New York were than those of my own upbringing in suburban Maryland, yet how universal the priorities, explorations and antics are of the young. My only complaint is that Séamus O’Flynn stopped at 8th grade. I hope there are more installments to follow.�
Julie Graves, Great Falls, VA

“I LOVE Séamus O’Flynn. I was sad to have it end! The author's success and happiness today make it easy to understand this was foreshadowed in Séamus’ terrific valedictorian speech." Gail Parmentier, Vienna, VA

“I really enjoyed Séamus. It was a terrific slice of life.� Katherine Hobbs, San Francisco

“I would put Séamus O’Flynn right up there with the best of this genre. I laughed many times.� Paul Tobin, Seattle 

“I didn’t put Séamus down until it was finished! I loved it!!!! I sailed through it – laughing often. I was so sorry when I’d finished. I needed more! Bill Tobin needs to write more books! Honestly!!!� Ann Stables, Tucson

 “I couldn’t put the book down. Enjoyed it immensely. I often laughed out loud.� Bill Sweetnam, Freehold, N.J.

“Bill Tobin did a wonderful job capturing the religious tone of the day with the daily prayers, the mass in Latin, the story of the Easter suit and the preparations Séamus mother went through for his sisters' appearance at mass.� Dick Sweetnam, Westport, CT

“I could not put Séamus down. I so enjoyed every episode of his New York adventures.� Rita Sweetnam, Port Orange, FL

“I just loved Seamus O’Flynn. I read it on a flight from Denver to Seattle and people must have thought I was on something, I was roaring with laughter.� Mike Flinn, Scottsdale, AZ  

“Thanks to Bill Tobin for sharing his joy, sorrow, faith and wisdom with us. Seamus O’Flynn was so good, I could not put it down.� Ruth Holmes, Scottsdale

“Seamus is filled with great anecdotes and humor. I didn't want it to be over. There must be another one for high school, college and single's days.� 
Linda Shipley, Portland, OR.